What do you think will be the role of the U.S.A. in the world where China may become the largest economy?
China's economic growth will taper off. The U.S. will retain world leadership both in politics and in economy. China's economy will soon overtake that of the U.S., and the world governance will be the prerogative of the United Nations. China's economy will soon overtake that of the U.S., but the U.S. will retain leadership in the world. China's economic growth will taper off, but the U.S. will gradually 'retreat' from the role of the world police. Others
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ドラえもん。 「不景気? バブル崩壊? 心配なーい。はい、次は冷戦バブルー。大統領選もこれで戦えるんだよ。」
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